Get Involved with Data Science

Data Science for the Public Good Young Scholars Program

Iowa State hosts an immersive summer program every year with students across the state of Iowa. Students work in teams on projects that address local and state government challenges related to critical social issues in today's society. This program provides a fantastic opportunity to expand your network and gain hands on experience developing skills within the field of Data Science. Read Jessie's story, one of our students who used this program to help them prepare for their career.

Learn more about the program, application requirements, past projects, and more

Study Abroad

Have an interest in studying or working abroad? Hear from one of our current students about their experience abroad in Ireland! You can also learn more by visiting LAS Study Abroad.

3 students and 1 faculty member standing in front of the Stables Club

How does this experience relate to your degree or future career?

"Iowa State has so many study abroad opportunities and there is certainly a program that will help advance your academic career as well as fulfilling the desire to experience more of the world. I have been able to take data science and math related courses while in Ireland to further my abilities and knowledge. Studying abroad also presents the opportunity to build your interpersonal and communication skills through all of the new individuals that will enter your life. I have also grown significantly in my problem solving skills due to all that is involved with solo international travel. All of these skills will be important for any future career so it is great to be able to grow myself in all of these ways while having fun in Ireland!"


student sitting on cliff in Ireland

What have you learned?

"Studying abroad has been such a wonderful experience to branch out and experience new things. My roommates are from all around the world and I have had the opportunity to get to learn more about their worldview and background. It has been so cool to learn more about how to interact with and become friends with people who you never would have encountered if it weren’t for study abroad."

- Dana Thacker '23

LAS Study Abroad

Become an Entrepreneur

Student holding their certificate from the college by college pitch off

Interested in creating your own business? Check out the Start Something LAS Academy or the Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship. Iowa State offers real world opportunities to kickstart your own businesses while earning your degree.

Charles Yang ('22) is building a company in the industry of Social Media Analytics that will provide marketing departments and content creators with unique insights on their online presence. This includes a fully interactive experience, consisting of on demand visualizations and AI assisted analytics. Charles competed in the College by College Pitch Off and received second place in the new idea category for a $2,500 prize that he is now able to put towards developing his company.


Research with a Faculty Member

Iowa State is a top tier research institution. We have students participating in research across multiple areas of campus depending on their research/career interests. Learn about how Ben Litterer ('22) used big data to study proteins. Learn about Anusha's work in Aerospace Engineering by reading below.

Student posing by a stream sitting on a rock


"The goal in my research group is to develop the explainable artificial intelligence for the unmanned ariel system to explain their dynamic stability, control performance, and surrounding environments. We use Python for explainable AI projects dealing with differentiation of different objects using Keras, TensorFlow, and AIX360 and we are frequently working within Linux. Working on a faculty-initiated research project gives me the opportunity to work closely with a mentor, Dr. Kim, and learn from her. This position will help me gain academic credentials that will include creating a well-rounded resume, publishing my work and working within a research team."

- Anusha Sharma '23